My name's Helen. My skin is sponsored by Aesop. They just don't know it yet. The moment I walk into an Aesop store my skin starts tingling.
Initially this site was going to be dedicated to my obsession with Aesop (pronounced eee-sop) and it may well become that if I perfect my HTML skills. For now, I'll bake it into the rest of my course content. Side note - I did use their website for my colour palette inspo. So I'm not completely monstrous.
Shout out to my smart tech sisters at Code Like a Girl who coached me into fixing my H2 CSS. Now to focus on the misaligned buttons and images below. Also. Does anyone know how I can fix the aspect ratio of my hero image? Turns out working with smart programmers doesn't get you any shortcuts. I'll need to figure it out on my ownn.
Looks like someone hasn't quite graduated from their Web Dev course yet...
The things that keep me balanced...
Yin yoga

Yin is a mediative form of yoga. Instead of gradually and slowly moving in flow, you hold a position for 3 to 5 mins.
The idea is to breathe your way out of discomfort. And mindfully calm your mind to sit in the discomfort.

Reading is a form of escapism for me. It instantly calms me.
I've been known to hide in wardrobes with a book to avoid talking to people.
That Aesop fixation

I love the store experience. The minimalist look and feel. The scents.
My downfall began when I first visited a store in St Kilda years ago. Down a set of stairs, off the beaten track. I was hooked.

For me puzzling is a form of meditation. The more pieces the better.
I pop on a podcast and puzzle away. If left to my own devices, I can easily sit at a table puzzling for hours. If inn doubt, I'll gladly accept a jigsaw puzzle gift.